Developmental Mathematics: Basic Mathematics and Algebra
Author(s): Margaret Lial, John Hornsby, Terry McGinnis, Stanley Salzman, Diana Hestwood
Difference between 3rd and 2nd editions
Side by side comparison of table of contents helps to figure out the most significant changes.
Key differences between 3rd and 2nd editions
- Period between current and previous publications: 4 years (2013 vs 2009).
- The first edition of Lial's Developmental Mathematics was published in 2007.
- Examples and exercises are updated with current data.
- Section 10.5 "Formulas and Additional Applications from Geometry" provides a new example and corresponding exercises on solving a linear equation in two variables x and y for y.
- Section 11.4 "Writing and Graphing Equations of Lines" provides increased development and coverage of the slope-intercept form, including two new examples.
- Sections 13.2 - 13.4 include three new examples on factoring trinomials.
- Updated topics:
- Dividing real numbers involving zero (Section 9.6)
- Applying the properties of real numbers (Section 9.7)
- Solving applications involving consecutive integers and angle measures (Section 10.4)
- Using interval notation and solving linear inequalities (Section 10.6)
- Graphing linear equations in two variables using intercepts (Section 11.1)
- Finding numerical values of rational expressions and values for which rational expressions are undefined (Section 14.1)
- Solving systems of equations with decimal coefficients (Section 15.2)
- Solving quadratic equations by using the zero-factor property (Section 17.1)
3rd Edition of
Developmental Mathematics: Basic Mathematics and Algebra
eBook, 1400 pages
eBook ISBN: 9780321854490
Published by: Pearson, January 03, 2013
Books a la Carte Edition
Loose Leaf
ISBN-10: 0321872487
ISBN-13: 9780321872487
Published by: Pearson, January 20, 2013
Paperback, 1400 pages
ISBN-10: 0321854462
ISBN-13: 9780321854469
Published by: Pearson, January 20, 2013
2nd Edition of
Developmental Mathematics: Basic Mathematics and Algebra
Books a la Carte Edition
Loose Leaf
ISBN-10: 0321599675
ISBN-13: 9780321599674
Published by: Pearson, February 16, 2009
Paperback, 1368 pages
ISBN-10: 0321599209
ISBN-13: 9780321599209
Published by: Pearson, February 14, 2009
1st Edition of
Developmental Mathematics: Basic Mathematics and Algebra
Paperback, 1376 pages
ISBN-10: 0321506421
ISBN-13: 9780321506429
Published by: Addison Wesley, February 15, 2007