Introduction to Sociology
Author(s): Anthony Giddens, Mitchell Duneier, Richard P. Appelbaum, Deborah Carr
Difference between 10th and 9th editions
Side by side comparison of table of contents helps to figure out the most significant changes.
Key differences between 10th and 9th editions
- Time lapse between current and previous editions: 3 years (2016 vs 2013).
- Each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives and a one-question quiz about a topic from the chapter.
- Main changes in the Tenth Edition of Introduction to Sociology:
- Chapter 2: Discussion on four shared standards of social science research.
- Chapter 3: New chapter opener on how social media such as Facebook can affect a teen's self-esteem.
- Chapter 4: Latest research on beneficial effects of playing fast-paced action based video games on the brain.
- Chapter 5: Section on nonverbal communication.
- Chapter 6:
- Discussion on Elijah Anderson's concept of the cosmopolitan canopy.
- Section on how online dating websites and online dating applications take the first face-to-face interaction out of initial stages of dating.
- Chapter 7:
- Section on race and the criminal justice system.
- Section on capital punishment, also known as the death penalty.
- Discussion on preventing terrorism and enhancing security with new techniques.
- Chapter 8: Chapter opener on how Americans are forced to take out loans.
- Chapter 9:
- Material on the West African Ebola virus epidemic
- Discussion of works dedicated to global income inequality.
- Chapter 10:Section on blurring the boundaries between man and woman.
- Chapter 11: Completely new section on theories of race and ethnicity covers psychological, structural and processual theories.
- Chapter 13: New material on Obama and Romney race and results of public opinion surveys; censorship in China.
- Chapter 14:
- Discussion of fifth stage of capitalism.
- Material on financial crisis and China's outbound mergers and acquisitions.
- Discussion on intermodal transportation.
- Chapter 15:
- Latest data on rapidly raising age at first marriage and raise in rates of men and women who cohabit before marriage.
- Up-to-date research on possible consequences of divorce for children.
- Chapter 16: Completely new section covering patterns, and explanations of academic achievement gap between the rich and the poor.
- Chapter 17: Discussion on Islamic State, reflecting the most recent events.
- Chapter 18:
- Current trends in public opinion about sexual morality, including premarital and extramarital affairs.
- Discussion on racial differences in mental health
- Chapter 19: Illustration of energy consumption in China, India, and U.S. from 1990 to 2014.
- Note: Seagull Edition includes the entire original text of the regular version in a two-color format with fewer illustrations.
10th Edition of
Introduction to Sociology
Seagull Edition
eBook, 555 pages
eBook ISBN: 9780393289343
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, February 01, 2016
eBook, 672 pages
eBook ISBN: 9780393289329
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, February 01, 2016
Seagull Edition
Paperback, 555 pages
ISBN-10: 0393265161
ISBN-13: 9780393265163
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, May 01, 2016
Paperback, 672 pages
ISBN-10: 0393264319
ISBN-13: 9780393264319
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, May 01, 2016
9th Edition of
Introduction to Sociology
Seagull Edition
Paperback, 665 pages
ISBN-10: 0393922235
ISBN-13: 9780393922233
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, December 12, 2013
Paperback, 648 pages
ISBN-10: 0393922197
ISBN-13: 9780393922196
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, November 14, 2013
8th Edition of
Introduction to Sociology
Seagull Edition
Paperback, 731 pages
ISBN-10: 0393912280
ISBN-13: 9780393912289
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, October 01, 2011
Paperback, 736 pages
ISBN-10: 0393912132
ISBN-13: 9780393912135
Published by: W. W. Norton & Company, October 01, 2011