Basic College Mathematics (Bittinger)
Key differences between 12th and 11th editions
- Time lapse between current and previous publications: 5 years (2014 vs 2009).
- The Twelfth Ed. of Bittinger's textbook includes new To-the-Point Objective Videos, including new Interactive Your Turn Exercises, where students solve exercises and receive instant feedback on their work.
- New interactive Student Success Module in MyMathLab.
- Chapter 3 "Fraction Notation and Mixed Numerals" includes new subsection 3.7b "Simplify complex fractions". Former 11th edition's Objective 3.7b "Estimate with fraction notation and mixed numerals" is now 3.7c.
- Chapter 4 "Decimal Notation" -- subsection 4.2d "Balance a checkbook" has been deleted.
- Chapter 7 "Data, Graphs, and Statistics":
- Subsection 7.1d "Comparing two sets of data using their mean" has been deleted.
- Subsection 7.2b "Extract and interpret data from graphs" has been improved -- there is expanded coverage of graphs where areas of regions of the graph are proportional to the numbers that the regions represent.
- New subsection 7.2c "Extract and interpret data from histograms".
12th Edition of
Basic College Mathematics (Bittinger)
eBook, 744 pages
eBook ISBN: 9780321925053
Published by: Pearson, December 24, 2013
Paperback, 744 pages
ISBN-10: 0321931904
ISBN-13: 9780321931900
Published by: Pearson, January 03, 2014
11th Edition of
Basic College Mathematics
Books a la Carte Edition
Loose Leaf
ISBN-10: 0321654374
ISBN-13: 9780321654373
Published by: Pearson, October 03, 2009
Books a la Carte Plus MyMathLab/MyStatLab Student Access Kit
Loose Leaf, 694 pages
ISBN-10: 0321675975
ISBN-13: 9780321675972
Published by: Pearson, November 07, 2009
Paperback, 816 pages
ISBN-10: 0321599195
ISBN-13: 9780321599193
Published by: Pearson, September 28, 2009
10th Edition of
Basic Mathematics (Bittinger Developmental Mathematics Series)
Hardcover, 700 pages
ISBN-10: 0321388232
ISBN-13: 9780321388230
Published by: Addison Wesley, GB, November, 2005
Paperback, 816 pages
ISBN-10: 0321319060
ISBN-13: 9780321319067
Published by: Addison Wesley, US, February 2006