Atlas of Anatomy
Author(s): Anne M Gilroy, Brian R MacPherson, Michael Schuenke, Erik Schulte, Udo Schumacher
Difference between 3rd and 2nd editions
Side by side comparison of table of contents helps to figure out the most significant changes.
Key differences between 3rd and 2nd editions
- Time lapse between current and previous publications: 4 years (2016 vs 2012).
- Gilroy's Atlas was originally published in 2008.
- The Third edition has fixed several errors/inconsistencies from the Second edition.
- Every Unit in the Third edition includes Sectional & Radiographic Anatomy chapter.
- Unit "Brain and Nervous System" covers gross anatomy of the brain, peripheral nervous system, and autonomic nervous system.
- "Pelvis and Perineum" unit has been updated to reflect the current anatomic theory.
- New spreads illustrating autonomic innervation.
3rd Edition of
Atlas of Anatomy
Paperback, 742 pages
ISBN-10: 1626232520
ISBN-13: 9781626232525
Published by: Thieme, April 08, 2016
2nd Edition of
Atlas of Anatomy
Thieme Anatomy
eBook, 704 pages
eBook ISBN: 9781604067460
Published by: TNY, April 09, 2012
Paperback, 704 pages
ISBN-10: 1604067454
ISBN-13: 9781604067453
Published by: Thieme, April 09, 2012
1st Edition of
Atlas of Anatomy
Thieme Anatomy
Paperback, 672 pages
ISBN-10: 160406062X
ISBN-13: 9781604060621
Published by: Thieme, June 03, 2008